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Selling @ Southgate

The very first step in a successful sale is to engage an agent that you feel comfortable with. You might need to speak to several agents and get them around for an appraisal before you find the one that you feel you’re on the same page with. We always share with our clients that the sales relationship is a partnership. You’re really working together so you need to have a similar energy and outlook, as well as complete trust. If you can get this dynamic right then you’re halfway there.

Presentation of your property is paramount. Do what you can to create that all-important WOW factor. This could be a combination of cleaning, painting, styling, de-cluttering and landscaping – anything to make your home or commercial property more appealing. A good agent will be able to advise you on what undertakings are beneficial and financially viable.

Your agent should discuss with you in detail the various sales methods and clearly outline the pros and cons of each, advising you on which is most likely to garner the best sales result for your property. Private treaty sales, auctions and tenders have their own advantages and drawbacks and your unique property and circumstances will determine which is most appropriate. Once you have decided, with the assistance of your agent, on a method that suits you, it’s the agent’s job to talk you through the intricacies of the campaign and how it will progress week by week.
As a vendor you should know exactly what your agent’s dialogue will be with prospective purchaser and make sure you’re comfortable with this. Your agent should make sure you have a full understanding of how the sales strategy will unfold and why this particular strategy is going to realise the best possible price.

Similarly, with the marketing of your property you should understand exactly why your agent suggests the use of certain marketing tools e.g. web, print media and signage. As a vendor you have a right to know where and why your marketing investment is being spent and that it’s not being wasted on unnecessary advertising.

You want to make sure that you’re in a situation where you feel completely informed throughout every stage of the sales campaign – that’s the mark of a good agent. Ask as many questions as possible and always offer up your advice and opinions. After all, you know your property and your area intimately and the more feedback you can give your agent, the more advantageous your partnership will be.

Sales Appraisal

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