
Lot 1 Victor Harbor Road, Mount Compass SA 5210

6.47 ha


Lot 1 Victor Harbor Road, Mount Compass SA 5210

6.47 ha

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The Good Earth

Located on edge of township this 6.47ha (15 acres approx.) has sealed road frontage and offers space with a rural outlook.

Zoning is “Water Protection”

The land is relatively flat with creek running through and has natural springs being a source of water.

Fenced into one paddock

Currently running a few head of cattle

Bonus: approval for proposed “Farm Implement Shed” 18m x 12m x 4m high

This is your chance to enjoy country space.

Call agent to inspect.


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Southgate Real Estate by other people and therefore we do not warrant that it is accurate or correct. All figures quoted are approximations only. Independent
parties should make their own enquiries and seek independent advice before acting.


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